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Fitness is not only limited to being physically fit but it also means to be mentally fit, if a person is physically fit but mentally disturbed then it will directly affect his physical state too. So the meaning of fitness is to be physically and mentally fit.
 If you are mentally fit then to some extent you will be physically fit without doing any extra physical activity.

importance of physical fitness wikipedia


Yes, it is very important to be fit. People who are fit are also able to maintain their body weight(according to BMI). Physically fit people are more often to avoid injuries in daily life and serious problems of cardiac and other health problems, they are more active and confident than the person who is not participating in any physical activity. Physical exercises are also good for a healthy and relaxed mind. Fit people are strong enough to face many ups and downs in their life.

how to improve physical health and wellness, tips to improve physical healthTIPS TO IMPROVE PHYSICAL FITNESS

You have to adopt a healthy lifestyle. 

It is important to eat healthily.

Avoid junk food and fast food.

It is important to play at outdoors than being a couch potato.

Make a regular habit of exercising or getting involved in physical activities. 

Most important to remember that you have to avoid taking illegal drugs, smoking, and other toxic elements if you are addicted to any.

If you do not have proper knowledge then make sure to ask a certified nutritionist to make a healthy diet plan, and do not forget to follow that. 

Take proper rest, 6-8 hours of sleep. It can take time to achieve your fitness goal but as you started you will start feeling the change.

If there is a need then join the gym, appoint a certified trainer or do yoga classes, do whatever you can do to be fit and healthy in a natural way.

man in air, advantage of physical fitness


Being physically fit you become more active, able to avoid small injuries. You are able to perform physical tasks easily, you do not get tired, feel fresh, increase in confidence,  increase in bones and muscles strength, your weight is in control, it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

For an overview of human health click here
