tummy fat, how to lose tummy fat


Most stubborn fat of the human body. It makes look unattractive, sometimes can make us feel very embarrassed. 
You hate this but then also you are having it WHY?
Make sure to lose it. It does not only make your looks bad but also increases the risk of diabetes, liver diseases, and blood pressure.

 A good posture is very important for a flat tummy if your posture is not in proper alignment then nothing can work for you to make your tummy flat. You can practice good posture by standing straight against the wall touching your head, shoulder, bum, and feet to the wall. It will help you to fix tummy in proper position and strengthen your core.

You spend so much energy in the gym, burn calories undoubtedly but you have to spend your energy a lot in the kitchen as well.

Keep in mind that spot reduction is a myth. You can not lose fat only from your tummy. You will lose fat from the full body and this is good. As the more amount of fat stores at the tummy, face, and bum.
So it is good that you are going to lose fat from all these body part, and going to have an attractive body shape, you will also see changes in your confidence, just follow the tips given below and you are going to shock your friends, family and even those in front of whom you don't feel comfortable because of your shape.

Tips to reduce tummy fat 

Eat food rich in fiber
apple, food rich in fiber

There are two types of fiber
Soluble fiber
Insoluble fiber

Soluble fiber easily dissolves in water. Oatmeal is a very popular food, Which contains soluble fiber. Soluble fiber binds water and creates a thick gel in the stomach. You should eat food with soluble fiber because they help you in the prolonged feeling of fullness and you will not consume many calories. This happens because it slowly empties from the stomach than other foods.

As it is insoluble it does not dissolve in water. And calorie does not get absorbed. So this food is bulking your diet and fills the belly and with this also you can feel filled without having many calories.

Take high protein diet

almond, milk, high protein dietProteins can help to reduce fat and make muscle. As fat loss is your goal. You have to balance your macronutrients as protein should be high in the diet.
30-40% calories should be from protein. 
It's a calculation like for example if your daily intake is 2200 calories. 
35% of 2200 is 770.
1gm protein has 4 calories so 770 calories will have 192.5gm protein.
So this should be your protein intake.
This was just an example of calculating, the actual figures may vary according to your weight and daily calorie intake.

You should track your macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbs).
Be in limit and do not cheat on your meals and exercises.

If you are non-vegetarian than chicken, egg, salmon and tuna fish are the best protein sources.

non-veg,salmon,tuna, fish

And for the vegetarian spouts, paneer, cheese, milk, whey protein are the best sources of protein.

cheese, veg-protein

Avoid added sugar

sugar, added sugar
It's very unhealthy to eat added sugar. Sugar is basically carbohydrate that provides energy to the body to work. But when taken across the limit they have their harmful effects on metabolic health. Sugar is glucose and fructose, fructose is only metabolized by the liver in a limited amount.
When you consume a lot of added sugar liver is unable to metabolize all the fructose and forced to turn it into fat.
Make sure not to eat much amount of sugar in any form (drink like fruit juices high in sugar).
The whole fruit which is natural and is high in fiber mitigates the negative effect of fructose. These type of fruit contains very less sugar in compared to the diet high in sugar.
You can check nutritional information of packed food. Although they are marketed as healthy foods but can be high in sugar.

Low carbohydrate diet

low carb diet, veg diet

You should be on low carbohydrate. As low carbohydrate diet is more effective on weight loss than the low-fat diet.
Follow the keto diet, minimize the carbohydrate intake, protein and fat should be high, fat should be unsaturated fat, saturated is limited to 5-7% of total calorie intake. 
As 1 gm fat contains 9 calories.
5% of 2200 is 110.
110 calories should be from saturated fat.
So 110 calorie means 12.2gm saturated fat.
So when fat intake is high the body will start burning fat for fuel. Remember your protein should be really high.

Effective exercise 

exercise, effective exercise, exercise for stomach, sexy lady exercising
The most important point is regular exercising.
You should do exercise at least 45min in which cardio and weight training both should be done if you seriously want to lose fat.
Only cardio alone cannot help this much as with weight training do to lose fat.
You should train every muscle, especially thighs. It is very important to train your thighs mostly people avoid thighs but if you want to achieve your goal, a good attractive figure then just do it.

Good sleep is important

sleep, good sleep, cute girl sleeping, sleep foundation

If you are not taking 7-8 hours of sleep. Then it can make you gain weight. When you are on short sleep, your brain feels like sleepy. You can be stressed, you start making unhealthy food habits. And it also increases the risk of disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
So you should always take 7-8 hours of quality sleep.

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