7 Sources of Health- Everyone should know

There are seven chakras in our body. Notes of music are also seven. Health sources are hidden in these seven notes and seven chakras.

7 ????=7 notes of music
??????? ???? - Root chakra (??)????
??????????? ???? - Sacral chakra (??)????
?????? ???? - Solar Plexus (??)????
????? ???? - Heart chakra (??)????
??????? ???? - Throat Chakra (??)????
??? ???? - Ajan Chakra (??)????
??????? ???? - Crown chakra (??)????

If seen in spirituality, then there are seven chakras in our body.

You may know this thing, but do you know that seven notes are associated with these seven chakras?

Sa, ray, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni ...
 When these seven notes meet with these seven chakras, then it becomes a new form of Yoga, 'Euphonic Yoga'.

Seven chakras of the body and seven notes of music are connected to each other.

The mix of three classical arts

Classical arts, mix of classical arts
Classical dance and music are generally considered to be the means of expression and emotions, but dance and music are also proven to be effective in the treatment of many diseases. When yoga gets the style of dance and music, its effect also increases. During a dance, we have to do a lot of footwork, which has a lot of impact on the legs. Many ragas like Ragnat Bhairav, Raga Gurjari Todi, are used with seven chakras of the body, which bring peace to the chakras of the body.

Euphonic Yoga is four times better than yoga

Euphonic yoga, healthohuman
Euphonic Yoga is a unique combination of classical music, classical dance, and yoga. Dance, sports, yoga and physical exercise produce endorphin hormones, which make us feel happier and reduce stress. Euphonic Yoga has been specially designed to help people stay away from stress. Euphonic Yoga increases the effect of yoga with three traditional arts, almost four times. The combination of dance with yoga creates flexibility, control, and strength in the muscles. This makes the body more energetic and keeps you away from many kinds of diseases.

Knowledge of yoga, not of influence.

yoga, sunrise, man standing in front of sunrise
People have been quite aware of Yoga since the last few years, but people are still not fully aware of the effects that come with it. I am trying to connect more young people with information about the benefits that are being made. If any information is given to the children at the right time and age, then they remain in their jaw for a long time. Therefore, I try to inform them about the benefits of Euphonic Yoga in simple language. This helps in many types of diseases as well as many bad habits such as alcohol and drug addiction.

How Classical Dance & Music affect 

classical dance Kathak, Odisha dance and Bharatanatyam have been added in Euphonic Yoga. Kathak's style and moods are quite in style. Kathak is one of the most important dance styles of eight types of classical dance in India. In this, the body has to do a lot of activity, which makes the body very good exercise. Along with this, other dance styles also have different advantages. But when the music is added to it, it affects the body more. Combining dance and music with yoga gives amazing results. With the use of these formulas, our body cycle can be well-awakened.

� Improve brain and body coordination and increase productivity.
� Vigilance, interpersonal communication, and listening skills improve.
� Enhances memory and makes the heart healthy.
� Yoga awakens the feeling of unity and harmony with self, society, and nature. It can help us to make a better world by changing our lifestyle and by creating consciousness.

Benefits of Euphonic Yoga

Those who take part in dancing from an early age, their obesity is reduced, and they also get relief from problems like stress and depression. Apart from this, people who take part in both modern and classical dance are less stressed than others. A study in London showed that if a person of 60 kg dances for 30 minutes, during this time he burns around 150 calories.

RAGA Raj Jait

how to active mooladhar chakra, healthohuman
Mooladhar chakra (Root chakra) is the first chakra of the body. This is the 'base cycle' with four petals between the anus and the penis. By keeping constant control over enjoyment, sleep and sexual intercourse, this cycle starts to be intensified by continuous meditation on this cycle. While waking this chakra, it has a better effect by listening to the Raga Jait. Virabhadrasana (Warrior yoga pose) and Trikonasana(Triangle posture) awaken this chakra. The awakening of this chakra awakens within the person the sense of bravery, fearlessness, and joy.

RAGA Raj Gurjari Todi

how to active Swadhishthan chakra (Sacral chakra), healthohuman
The Swadhishthan chakra (Sacral chakra)is located above the three inches above the penis's origin, it has 6 petals. If your energy is accumulated on this cycle, then there is the primacy of entertainment, traveling and fun in your life. In order to awaken this chakra, while meditation, Raj gujri Todi should be heard. To awaken this chakra, you should do Balasana (Child's pose), Vajrasana (Diamond Pose), Singhasana (Lion pose) and Gomukhasana (Cow face pose). Listening to the Raj Gujjari Todi is the destruction of cruelty, laziness, dishonesty, disobedience, disbelief etc.

RAGA Deshkar

how to active manipur chakra(Solar plexus), healthohuman
This cycle of the blood vessel located in the root of the navel is the third cycle under the body named Manipur(Solar Plexus), which is comprised of 10 lotus petals. By listening to Raga Deshkar, and awakening this cycle the body is more affected. This cycle is awakened through Bhujangasan (Cobra pose) and Dhanurasan (Bow Pose). This chakra basically provides self-power. With self-power, self-respect, and self-esteem every goal of life is possible.

RAGA Raj Nut Bhairav

how to active Anahata Chakra (heart chakra), healthohuman
Swarnim varna, situated in the heart, is Anahata chakra (Heart chakra) of the graceful chakra with ten lotus petals containing dash ash gold letters. Listening to Raj Nut Bhairav helps in meditation on awakening this chakra. This chakra is awakened by breathing in Mjariasana (Cat stretch) and Setubasanasana (Bridge Pose). It eliminates violence, mischief, anxiety, temptation, conceit, indecision, and ego. Awakening of this chakra is awakening of love and sensation within a person.

RAGA Bhairavi

how to active Visudha Chakra (Throat chakra), healthohuman
There is a Visudha chakra (Throat Chakra) in place of Saraswati in the throat. If your energy is gathered around this chakra, then you will be very powerful. You can make this cycle awaken by Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose), Matsyasan(Fish pose) and Ushtasan(Camel Pose). Through this, listening Raga Bhairavi, Throat chakra gives more effect. This can prevent the effect of weather. Also, our communications are well affected by this chakra.

Alhaiya Bilaval RAGA

how to active Ajna Chakra, healthohuman
Between both eyes, there is Ajna chakra in Bhaktuti. The person whose energy is more active here is that of a sensitive and intelligent mind. To awaken this cycle, Garudasan (Eagle Pose) and Virabhadrasana(Warrior pose) should be done. By listening to Alhaiya Bilaval Raga with these asanas, the powers and the Siddhis who live in this chakra are awake and make you a perfect person.

RAGA Asavri

how to active Sahasrara Chakra (Crown chakra) with Raga Asavri, healthohuman
The position of the Sahasrara Chakra (Crown chakra) is in the central part of the brain. By continuously meditating, this chakra becomes awakened and one attains the position of Paramahansa (Supreme Swan). This chakra is made aware by meditation and through Shirsasan (Headstand). During this, listening to Raga Asavri gives a lot of benefit to the body. This removes stress. At the same time, the person remains away from depression.
