Easy Hacks to Protect Your Heart, Liver, Brain, and Teeth.



healthohuman, make your live healthy with these simple tips

1. The formula of 100:

  • If you want to live 100 years then remember the 100 formula for weight. 
  • This formula is: weight = length (centimeter)-100 i.e. if someone's height is 171 centimeters then its weight should not exceed 71 kg.

2. Daily Workout:
  • If we lose weight then there will be no extra burden on the liver. 
  • However, obesity can also be detected by the waist circle. 
  • Men's waist circumference exceeding 90 centimeters (35.4 in) and females exceeding 80 centimeters (31.4 inches) is a sign of obesity.

3. Take Care of Bacteria:

  • We have good bacteria weighing one and a half kg in our stomach, which works to digest food.
  • If we make changes in our diet immediately, i.e. today non-veg, then junk food, and then the next day some other, then bacteria could not adjust. 
  • Try not to make too many changes in food and eat the same family's food for a long time, such as plant's based diet, so long stay on it.

4. Avoid Alcohol/Anti-Biotic:

  • Alcohol produces bad bacteria by killing good bacteria. 
  • Similarly, antibiotic kills both good and bad bacteria. 
  • It is better to stay away from alcohol and anti-biotic.

5. Say Bye-Bye to Fat:

  • Eat less greasy food. 
  • Food with more cholesterol should be avoided, such as red meat, egg yolk, butter, etc. 
  • Reduce the salt in the food. 
  • Stay away from processed and junk food.


healthohuman, easy tips to make your heart healthy

1. Increase your Heartbeat:

  • Walk Brisk Walk, 45 minutes 5 day in a week, that means 5 to 6 kilometers in 45 minutes.
  • During this time, the heartbeat should go up till peak.
  • The peak heart rate formula is 
  • 200-age = 75% of the answer.
  • Think of it as 75% of 220-60 (years) = 160 that is 120.
  • You can take help of apps that monitor heart rate.

2. Avoid Smoking:

  • Please avoid smoking.
  • If someone is smoking around then stop him.
  • Smoking from others also damages you.
  • If someone smokes 10 cigarettes around you, So it means that you also had smoke 1 cigarette.

3. Make Friends Walk:

  • Spend time at the treadmill rather than chanting in your office, or if you have time, then walk with your peers.
  • Sit in a canteen and eat only, which is healthy for the heart.
  • Instead of bad carbs eat good carbs, protein, unsaturated fat.
  • That will help your body, it will give more energy.

4. Avoid Trans Fat:

  • Trans Fat is one of the biggest enemies of the heart.
  • In such a situation, it is better to avoid eating out-roasting.
  • If you want to have food, then eat it at home, and in good oil (canola, mustard, olive oil, rice bran, etc.).

5. Control of Obesity:
  • You should not be overweight at any cost.
  • Know that the more you weigh your weight, the more your heart will have to bear the extra weight.

6. The Pressure of Blood Pressure:

  • High blood pressure is a silent killer.
  • If someone has high BP then do regular check-ups and take less salt.
  • If there is diabetes then keep it in control or else the heart may be problematic.

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healthohuman, tips to make your mind strong and sharp

1. Control Negative Emotions:

  • Try to see that the negative incidents happening around you are less affected to you.
  • Where appropriate, express your anger or resentment there.
  • If anyone made a mistake, take the anger away on it, and not on anyone else.
  • This means that do not get negative emotions wrong in the wrong place.
  • But do not even keep it in mind. 
  • Keeping negative things in mind causes depression.

2. Make Balance Between Work and Life:

  • Often people talk of work-life balance, but I do not think 50-50 is always possible in that.
  • Many times we have to give preference to something, then for the second time, something else.
  • Set Work-Life Balance according to your need. Also, take care of your social responsibilities. 
  • Be socially active and make friends. 
  • If you ever want to share hands in social work, then join it.

3. Remember the Trick of 3C:

  • C-Confidence: It should be believed what you can do.
  • C-Courage:  That, which is impossible, dare to accept it as a challenge.
  • C-Comfort: That is, take both first two things comfortably. These three things will happen when you will be able to give your best.

4. Believe in Yourself:

  • Maintain what you believe in. 
  • Whether it is God, any religion, or humanity. Having a firm belief in anything helps to keep the brain relaxed.

5. Keep Your Brain Active:

  • Include reading or crossword solving in your routine. 
  • Learn how to do something new like driving, a new language, typing, etc. It makes the brain faster. 
  • To keep a record of daily use, use the brain instead of the calculator. 
  • Remember some important mobile numbers.

6. Sleep 6-8 Hour:

  • Follow the right routine of sleeping and waking to keep your mind healthy. 
  • Sleep for 6-8 hours. 
  • Sleep helps the brain learn and experience. 
  • It is also necessary to relieve the mind.


healthohuman, keep your teeth strong with these simple tips

1. Do Friendship with Brush, Floss, Rinse, Mouth Wash:

  • Brush teeth twice in a day, after dawn in the morning and before sleeping in the night, 2-2 minutes. 
  • Any toothpaste you can use and it is enough to be equal to peas. 
  • The brush should be soft and just slim at the head. Change your brush into every two or three months. 
  • In addition to the brush, clean the middle of the teeth with floss (thread). 
  • If you eat anything, then rinse well. 
  • Also, do a mouthwash twice a day. It keeps the mouth fresh.

2. Say Hello to Healthy Snacks:

  • If you have something to eat between lunch and dinner, keep in mind that it is not sweet, it does not have any flour and it does not have to stick to the denture. 
  • Eat things with fiber instead and eat such things, which are a little hard. 
  • This also causes teeth to be exercised. 
  • Avoid eating chewing gum, toffee and more sour things along with pan-tobacco, gutkha.

3. Protect Your Children's Teeth: 

  • Do not use fluoride toothpaste for a child before the age of 6. 
  • Rinse with water after eating and drinking. 
  • If the worm is found in milk teeth, then instead of waiting, consult a dentist for filling. 
  • If a tooth has gone out, put a space maintainer, so that the place is maintained. 
  • Feed your child with protein, milk, and things made from milk.

4. The Help of Night Guard:

  • If you have a habit of chewing the tooth in the night, wear the night guards. 
  • It will protect teeth to rub. 
  • Tooth decay increases sensitivity in teeth.

5. Do Regular Checkups:

  • Do your dentistry checkup with a dentist twice a year.
  • Do not wait for pain and sensitivity to take treatment. 
  • Take complete treatment.
  • Take the baby to the dentist once in a year at the age of 6 months to 1 year. 
  • Then show your child to the dentist at the age of 7-8. 
  • With this, any disease in milk or permanent teeth can be detected at the beginning.


healthohuman, here is what should you eat?

1. Increase Fiber in Food:

  • Increase fiber in food such as green leafy vegetables, fruit, beans, and whole grains.
  • The stomach is filled with it for a long time, you will not feel hungry and digestion is also good.
  • Eat 7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
  • One serving means one apple or 15-20 grapes or a 2-3 slice of papaya or a small bowl.
  • Drink 9-10 glass of water daily.
  • This will keep your weight in control and also your health will be fine.
  • Make use of bran in flour as well, 250 grams of bran can be mixed in 5 kg flour.

2. Say Bye to Sugar:

  • It is good to create a distance from things made of sugar and sugar.
  • Stay away from sweets, candies, chocolates as well as cold drinks.
  • If you feel like eating sweets, then you can take small quantities of jaggery or honey.

3. Do Friendship with Healthy Fat:

  • Include healthy fat in your food, such as olive oil, avocado, nuts such as almonds, pistachios, peanuts, etc.
  • Olive oils, canola oils are also good for health but eat fat always in a limit.
  • Ghee and butter can be taken in small quantities (less than 1 teaspoon per day).

4. Protein-Rich Breakfast:

  • Breakfast must have a combo of carb, protein, and fat.
  • Complex carbs such as porridge, poha, oats should be taken as they release sugar gradually.
  • For protein take milk, paneer, sprouted pulse, cheese or egg white.
  • By taking a good amount of protein in the morning, there will be a continuous supply of energy, along with the stomach also feels full and does not seem to be hungry quickly and avoids avoiding snacking.

5. Children's Diet:

  • Make sure the kids have breakfast. 
  • Children who take good breakfast, they are more energetic and study more and more in class.
  • Have fruits, vegetables and healthy drinks at home so that children eat healthy food instead of cold drinks, carb, chips, and soda.
  • Also, give them some food every two-three hours. Instead of eating a lot of things at one go, eat in small amounts in small intervals.


1. 10,000 Steps:

  • A total of 10,000 steps must have gone in 1 day. 
  • Brisk Walk 30-45 minutes out of this.
  • Exercise 2 day walk, 2-day brisk walk, and the rest 2 days to lift the weight.

2. Golden Hour Importance:

  • Take the road accident victim from the accident site within 10 minutes i.e. leave for treatment.
  • These 10 minutes is platinum. If the patient gets first-aid within an hour, then life can be saved.
  • This is one golden hour.

3The trick of FAST in Paralysis:

F: Face becomes crooked,  or
A: Can not lift arm,  or
S: Can not Speak,  then
T: Don't waste time take the patient to the hospital immediately.

4. Driving Test:

Your eyes are right for driving if you can read the vehicle number plate from 20 meters and read newspapers or magazines with a distance of 14 inches (closed hand).

5. Take Care of Food:

  • You should soak the things one night before eating, that is divided between two pieces like- almonds, gram, rajma, etc. then you can enjoy them in the morning.
  • Whatever things grow under the ground (Radish, onion, peal, etc.) they bring lethargy. Boil them before eating.
