You Have Never Heard About These Simple Cold Remedies- 95% relief in just 2 Days


healthohuman, simple cold relief hacks
Hey, today I gonna share some secrets to fight cold and get relief to 95% in just 2 days.

And these secrets are from my own experiences.
I have used them when I was suffering from cold and when I get rid of this disease in just 1 day and 2 nights, I wish to share this secret with you, my lovely people.

So, you can use this for yourself or for your family and friends. Do not forget to share with your loved ones, if you like it. If it works for you, then it's your responsibility to refer this to your loved ones.

The most important thing to fight cold is to change what you eat.

Things to avoid in cold

  • You have to avoid cold things, things made from milk like ice-creams, milk, cheese, paneer, curd, buttermilk, or cold or normal water, you have to avoid low temperature.
  • Avoid fast food or junk food.
  • Avoid fruits like oranges, grapes, banana, and cold fruits.

Things to do in cold

  • Replace your normal water with warm water.
  • Drink ginger tea- as it is the best drink one should add to his diet while suffering from cold.
  • Masur lentils are the best to eat with normal chapatis.
  • Try to maintain your body temperature high by avoiding cold environments.

Cold Remedies

  • Before sleeping apply Vicks Vaporub gently on your chest and cover your chest.
  • Also, apply Vicks Vaporub on the bottom of your feet and wear socks.
  • If possible, also apply Vicks on your nostrils and also cover that with a cotton cloth.
  • Now sleep with a blanket. 
  • And do not forget to keep an onion in your blanket.

And, the next morning, you will see good results.

Then also, follow the diet all day.

Repeat the same technique in the night, that was adopted last night.

Now you will see the results and you will be very happy to use this trick. And wish you knew this before.

Follow the diet for 2 days even after getting rid of this disease.

Now you are happy with the result, So do not forget to share it with your friends, family and your loved ones.


  • This is for adults only.
  • Children below 18 years are not recommended to use this.
  • Also, Asthma patients and people with breathing problems are not suggested to use this.

