Do Not Forget to Take These Important Precautions in Fasting

healthohuman, important precautions to be taken during fastDuring Navratri, a large number of people keep fast, but some precautions are also necessary.

� If possible, consult your family doctor before fasting, it will avoid further troubles.

� Do not drink more tea, coffee or cold drink during the fast. Our nervous system with an excess of caffeine seems shocked. When a good amount of food is not eaten, then this shock feels very loud, which is not good for the nervous system.

� If somebody has kept the anhydrous fast, then do not exercise at all. People who have a little easier or general fasting can do light exercises. Avoid heavy Exercise. Can do a brisk walk, but do not do running, swimming, cycling, and stay away from games like badminton, table tennis. They require a lot of energy, while during the fast, the energy level in the body is slightly lower.

� Do not do heavy work during the fast, such as shifting home, lifting heavy luggage, washing lots of clothes, etc. Do not go shopping too because it can be tired.

� It is better to drink milk, buttermilk, curd or fruit in every 3-4 hours. Avoid being hungry for long periods.

� If you are feeling tired, eat some fruit or something sweet. Do not think to only eat in the evening.

� Eat more and more seasonal vegetables during your fast. Determine the gaps yourself. Eat more spinach, radish, tomatoes, pumpkin, cilantro than potatoes. If you want to eat potatoes, it is better to eat it boiled instead of frying it.

� Eat plenty of fruits. Try to eat whole fruit instead of juice. If you want to drink juice, do not prefer packed, drink fresh juice.

� Dairy products such as milk, curd, cottage cheese should be in good quantity. They get a good amount of protein for your body.

� Eat a handful of dry-fruits and peanuts. These give strength to the body.

� Reduce the use of oil. Instead of oil or butter, curd can be used.

� Do not eat starch things (potatoes, sweet potato, sago, etc.) and also try to avoid sweets and fried things.

� If there is diabetes and age is more than 60 and insulin or on many medicines or some other serious physical problems, then one should not keep fast.

� During the fast, take 8-10 glasses of water and liquid things during the day so that there is no danger of dehydration.
