EASY TIPS TO IMPROVE MEMORY- (home remedies and yoga asana to improve memory)

Home Remedies to Improve Memory

healthohuman, almonds, home remedies to improve memory

  • Grind 10-12 almonds and fry it, pour a big spoon of ghee in it and mix it with lukewarm milk and drink it in the evening.
  • If you do not want to take milk and ghee, soak 5 to 7 almonds at night and take out the peel in the morning and have it.
  • Mix basil leaves with tea or milk and eats it.
  • One small spoon of turmeric can be added to a glass of milk (200ml) and drink it.
  • Eating 1 teaspoon Amla powder every day will be beneficial.

PART 1- 

YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MEMORY- if you do not follow these simple tips

Ayurveda Remedy to Improve Memory

healthohuman, ayurveda, ayurvedic remedies to improve memory

  • Jatamansi and Jyotishmati are Ayurvedic medicines. You can take its powder half a tablespoon in the morning and evening.

  • Mix equal quantity of Shankhpushpi and Brahmi powder, take one big spoon each day.
  • These ayurvedic medicines are very effective to improve memory.

Improve Interaction with Family and Friends

healthohuman, improve interaction, males, groups of mens, group of businessman
  • Talk freely to your friends and family members. Do your favorite work one day a week. Whether it is to watch the movie, play it or eat good food. 
  • Try to pass some time near nature.
  • By adopting all these things, the mind gets peace and refreshment. 
  • This makes you feel that you are not lonely. Depression problems will not come. 
  • Nowadays there is the era of Whatsapp, but these practices are not good for your brain.
  • It is better to talk face to face.
  • This increases concentration.


Bakasana (Crane Pose)

healthohuman, crane pose, bakasana, yoga poses

  • It increases mental balance, synergy, and ability to concentrate.

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

healthohuman, lotus pose, padmasana, yoga poses

  • Relaxes the brain and reduces muscle tension.

Padhastasana (Hand under foot pose)

healthohuman, padhastasana, hand under foot pose, yoga pose, yoga for stretching, stretching exercises

  • Blood flow increases in the brain. So, more oxygen is available.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose)

healthohuman, sarvangasan, shoulder stand pose, yoga to improve memory, yoga for face glow
  • Good sleep. 
  • Relaxes headache.

Halasan (Plough Pose)

healthohuman, halasan, plough pose, yoga for stretching

  • Relaxes nervous system. 
  • Erases stress and exhaustion.

Pashchimottaanaasan (Seated Forward Bend) 

healthohuman, paschimottaanaasan, paschimotasan, seated forward bend pose, yoga poses

  • Enhances attention.

Sukhasan (Easy Pose)

healthohuman, sukhasan, easy pose, girl doing yoga
  • This is a very good posture to relax the body and mind.

Identification of Dementia

healthohuman, identification of dementia, medical test, man with sethoscope
Dementia i.e. disease of forgetting. Usually, this disease is seen in the elderly. It affects the 5 types of brain capabilities:

1. To Remember
2. To think and making decisions.
3. Reading, writing, speaking, and learning.
4. To keep an accounting.
5. Information about place and distance.

Clinical Test

In this, there is an attempt to find out the problem of a dementia patient in association with the psychiatrist.


It takes up to 7 minutes for the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) to be done. It shows the brain's cognitive function (the ability of knowledge of the brain).


The status of the brain can be checked by MRI of the brain.

Cerebral Angiography

Cerebral angiography, that is, to know the blood flow from the heart to mind and mind to heart.


Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: This test addresses the intelligence of children and adults. In simple terms, this is the IQ test. It also tests the ability of students of 6 to 16 years to study. This test for children is 65 to 80 minutes and 90 minutes for the elderly.


Check your routine

Do you breathe properly?

healthohuman, do you breathe properly, breathing fresh air, girl breathing fresh air, evening time, sunset
Put your hand on your navel. See if you fill in your breath, then the stomach grows or shrinks during that time? The stomach should flourish in the right way.

Do you take 10000 steps every day?

healthohuman, walking, old man walking, man walking, man walking on beach, beach, sea
An active routine is essential to avoid diseases. Take the help of the mobile health app to count the steps. If not in the mobile, download it with the help of internet.

If you are a victim of obesity?

healthohuman, obesity, fat man, stop obesity, how to stop obesity, tips to stop obesity
Obesity can be the cause of many diseases. See how much the circumference of your waist is. Men should have 90 centimeters (35.4 inches) and females should not exceed 80 centimeters (31.4 inches).

Do you eat enough fruits and vegetables daily?

healthohuman, fruits, vegetables, fruits and vegetables, diet for gym, healthy food, food to make good body
In the whole of the day, the total amount of food we eat, half of that should be fruits and vegetables. More appropriate than fruit is, raw vegetables as a salad.
