Suffering From TB- Protect your family and loved ones with some less known facts

The name of TB seems enough to scare anyone, but with the right treatment, it can be completely cured.

What is Tuberculosis?

what is tuberculosis, healthohuman, treatment of tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease. The most common is lung Tuberculosis and it spreads from person to person through the air. During the coughing and sneezing of the patient, the thin droplets from mouth and nose spread them. 

In such a situation, if there is talk, sitting near a patient, it can be infections. Apart from the lungs, there can be tuberculosis in the brain, uterus, mouth, liver, kidney, throat, etc. 

No other tuberculosis than the lungs spreads from one to the other. Tuberculosis is dangerous because if it is in the part of the body and that does not have the right treatment, then it can make that portion useless.

Lung tuberculosis slowly loses the lungs, then the tuberculosis of the uterus causes infertility, if the patient is suffering from brain tuberculosis then he can suffer epileptic, if a patient is suffering from the Bone Tuberculosis then tuberculosis can destroy his bones.

What should the Tuberculosis Patient do?

  • If the cough is for more than 3 weeks, then show to the doctor, do not ignore it.
  • Take the full course of medicine, that too regularly. Do not leave the medicines without asking the doctor.
  • Generally, when the symptoms of the Tuberculosis are over, the patient feels that he is cured and he cures the treatment. Do not do that at all. This can lead to a drug-resistant and the Tuberculosis can increase, and also it increases the risk of spreading the Tuberculosis.
  • Keep wearing masks. If you do not have a mask then cover the mouth with a paper napkin before digging or sneezing every time. Put this napkin in the lid dustbin.
  • Do not spit here or there, The patient should spit in one of the plastic bags and put it in the dustbin. Avoid firing in plastic.
  • If you know someone, who is suffering from tuberculosis, then you can make him understand that this disease spreads easily and he can protect other people by following some precautions like avoiding going to crowded places, if it is not possible, then by making 1 meter minimum distance to people, he can save many others from this dangerous disease.
    • The patient should be in the airy and well-lit room.
    • The patient should avoid AC otherwise the bacteria will roam inside and will make others sick.
    • Patients should eat nutritious food, and do regular exercise and yoga and live a normal life.
    • The patient should avoid cigarettes, hookahs, tobacco, alcohol, etc.

    How Tuberculosis Spreads

    Airborne respiratory droplets-
    how tuberculosis spreads, airborne respiratory droplets, healthohuman

    • If someone is affected from Tuberculosis and he sneezes or coughs then bacteria come in the air and if someone is near them and that bacterial droplets get in their body via respiration so that one will also be affected with tuberculosis.

    • If saliva is shared then it can cause to spread tuberculosis, saliva can be shared with kissing or sharing drinks.
    • The man above 18 is more likely to affected with tuberculosis then below 18years.

    Symptoms of Tuberculosis

    • Coughing for more than 3 weeks.
    • Mucus comes with a cough.
    • There are occasional bleeding in mucus.
    • Hunger seems low.
    • Weight loss.
    • Feeling fever in the evening or night, and frustration.
    • There is chest pain while breathing.

    Some patients show any one of these symptoms, some show a few, and none in some. These symptoms can also be of other minor diseases.

    There are also many symptoms of bronchitis and chest cancer that meet with tuberculosis, but the main difference is that cancer may cause blood to come from the mouth, while bronchitis has difficulty breathing and sounds like a whistle. 

    There is no problem in breathing in tuberculosis and the patient gets a fever and can occasionally bleed out of the mouth.

    Types of Tuberculosis

    types of tuberculosis, lungs tuberculosis
    The cases of tuberculosis are up to 90% of lung tuberculosis. After this, the link node tuberculosis, then pleurisy, that is the outer lining of the lung's tuberculosis, abdomen that is liver, pancreas, spleen, etc. There is also tuberculosis of the uterus, but much less.

    Treatment of Tuberculosis

    Treatment of tuberculosis, healthohuman

    • Treatment of tuberculosis is entirely possible. 
    • Treatment of tuberculosis is long. It can take 6 months to 2 years to recover.
    • If the treatment of tuberculosis is completely discontinued before it is completely cured, then the resistance against the drugs develops in bacteria and the treatment of tuberculosis becomes very difficult because the medicines do not affect.
    • This condition is called MDR / XDR i.e. Multi Drugs Resistant Tuberculosis / Extensible Drugs Resistant Tuberculosis.
    • Generally, there are two cases of MDR in every 100. Of the cases of MDR, there are 7% XDR, which is even more harmful.
    • Infections can spread from the initial 2 weeks to 2 months of starting treatment, as long as the bacteria can remain active. 
    • In such a case, it is important to take precaution even during the treatment.

    How to Prevent Tuberculosis from Spreading?

    • As soon as the baby is born, get the BCG vaccine. This is 80% effective.
    • Take plenty of nutrition, especially protein diet (soybean, pulses, egg, cheese, etc.). If the immunity is strong then this disease will stay away from you.
    • Avoid getting too crowded. Do not stay in less light and dirty places and refrain from going there.
    • Avoid smoking because smoking people are more prone to tuberculosis. Sugar patients, steroids, and HIV patients should also take special care because they have a high risk of tuberculosis.
