YOU ARE NOT HEALTHY- if you are not following these 9 steps, (Forth one is secret, you have never heard about it)

If you are fit then you are hit. It's simple that health is important. After all, how we can be happy if we are not mentally and physically fit.

Best Time to Wake-Up

  • Wake up at 6am-7am.
  • If you sleep for longer hours then your body and mind do not feel fresh, you will feel sleepy, or no/less energetic all day as compared to you wake up at the right time.
  • However, if you sleep late at night (around 1am-2am o'clock) due to work, then you can wake up late too. 
  • Sleep must be completed. 
  • If sleep was not complete at night, then after getting up in the morning, do exercises and breakfast, etc. and can take an hour-long nap after an hour. This will complete sleep and refreshes your mind.

Thing To Do When You Wake-Up in The Morning

healthohuman, things to do when you wake-up in the morning, morning habits,

  • After getting up, first, drink a glass plain or lukewarm water. This causes the toxic elements of the body to come out. You can also take lemon water, by squeezing half lemon into a glass of water.
  • After this, be freshened. Do not rush in here. Give yourself time to relax so that the stomach can be well cleaned and poisonous substances can be released from the body. If you use English style toilet seats, you can put a small stool or a pedestal under the feet. This causes pressure on the intestine and the stomach is well cleaned.
  • After 10-15 minutes to be fresh, take a cup of green tea or fresh seasonal juice. At this time our body has the more able to sense. Eat healthily in such a way that it benefits the body more.
  • At this time, eat certain fruits, especially banana or a handful of dry fruits (almonds, walnut, chia seeds).

Not to do

  • Do not drink tea first after getting up. From this, your overnight hungry body does not get proper nutrition, which is required. If you have to drink tea then take 1 cup of tea after about half an hour after eating fruits or dry fruits.

Benefits of Exercise

healthohuman, benefits of exercise, exercise, fitness

  • Exercise 45 minutes after half an hour of eating dry fruits. After 45 minutes of exercise, do 15 minutes deep breathing and meditation.
  • Include Cardio (Brisk Walk, Cycling, Swimming, etc), Stretching (Yoga) and Weight lifting, all 3 exercises. If it is not possible in 1 day, do 3 days cardio and stretching (Yoga) in the week and the remaining three days cardio and weight lifting. Take rest for one day.
  • Yoga is very good for stretching, if there is a lack of time or you do not want to do different postures, just do Surya Namaskar 20 times, it is a perfect workout in itself, and also do some hand movements and some stretches with the body.
  • Brisk walk 45 minutes a day, even when there is a shortage of time. In Brisk Walk, we usually take 70 to 80 steps in 1 minute. If you can not do this much in one time or you do not have enough time then, do it in 2 times. If you do not have time in the morning then do it in the evening, but do it.

Not to do

  • Do not exercise an empty stomach. Take some pre-workouts or banana or some dry fruits. Do not eat just before or just after your workout. Take a minimum gap of half an hour. Actually, during the exercise, the blood flow is especially towards the feet. Circulation is low on the stomach. In such a situation, the food is not properly digested.

How to Take a Bath

healthohuman, tips to take bath, how to take a bath

  • Take a minimum of 10- 15 minutes for bathing. Take normal or lukewarm water to bath. Press gently the whole body with a light hand and try to rub your body it will help to make blood flow better.
  • You can use any shampoo for hair wash. But try to use herbal shampoo. Use conditioner as well after shampoo. Rinse off shampoo and conditioner with water. In a glass of water add the juice of one lemon or can add a spoonful vinegar also to use after shampooing as a conditioner.

Not to do
  • Do not use hot water for bathing, do not bath in a hurry. Do not use too much soap or shampoo.
  • Also, do not bath with very hot water. Doing this ends the natural moisture of the body and hair.

Healthy Breakfast

healthohuman, healthy breakfast, banana, strawberry, beans, healthy diet, weight gain diet

  • Have breakfast about half an hour after exercising. Breakfast must be very nutritious and high in protein because it provides us energy for the whole day.
  • Breakfast must have carbohydrate, protein and fat, all three. Dalia, oats, cheese, poha (with plenty of vegetables), whole bread sandwiches, etc. should be taken as they slowly release the sugar. Also, take protein (milk, cheese, sprouted pulses or egg white, etc.) because doing this does not seem to feel hungry early. Fresh seasonal juices can be taken with breakfast.
  • Do not take the same things daily at breakfast. Instead, add different types of things to breakfast. This helps to give all the nutrients necessary to the body.
  • Do not take liquids with breakfast. If you want to drink, you can take vegetable juices, buttermilk or milk. Do not drink tea at all because tannins and caffeine present in it do not allow calcium and iron to be absorbed in the body. If you wish to drink tea, then drink half an hour before or after breakfast.


Healthohuman, snacks, healthy snacks

  • There must be a gap of at least 4-5 hours between breakfast and lunch.
  • However, take some light snacks in between, such as fruit, sprouts, buttermilk, salad, etc so that the body is not hungry for long. Try not to exceed 100-150 calories in snacks.

Not to do
  • Do not take things like bread pakoras, samosas, bread rolls, etc., and fried things in snacks.

Nutritious Lunch

healthohuman, lunch box, lunch ideas, healthy snacks

  • Take full care of nutrition at lunch. There should be lentils, chapati, vegetables, curd, etc. The diets for breakfast and lunch are easily digested.
  • It is better for lunch to prepare the menu in advance and eat different vegetables or pulses on different days so that the body can get complete nutrition.
  • Many people take only beans or chilies at lunch. It's not enough. It's important to take lentils, vegetables, etc. with them.

Light Dinner Ideas

healthohuman, light dinner ideas, dinner ideas, recipes
  • Dinner should be the lightest meal of the whole day. Our body runs according to the Sun. In such a situation, the body's metabolism begins to subside after the day is over.
  • If possible, do not take protein, especially Dal, Rajma, etc. in the night. It is difficult to digest. Take a seasonal vegetable instead of these. Vegetable gourd, khichdi, etc. can also be taken.
  • Eat less than 20% of food than you are hungry, this help to avoid the problem of heaviness and dyspepsia.
  • If you want to eat sweet after dinner, then instead of sweet or ice cream you can eat a little jaggery.
  • After 15 minutes of dinner, you can make a light walk. If you want to have a fast walk, then keep at least half an hour gap from dinner.

Sleeping Tips

healthohuman, sleeping tips, how to sleep better

  • Try to go to bed at 10:00 at night to sleep, and try to sleep regularly for 7-8 hours.
  • The best time to sleep is between 10:00 pm and 6.00 am. If it is not possible to sleep in the meantime, then try to sleep on at least a fixed time every day.
  • Keep a gap of at least 2-3 hours between dinner and sleep. A cup of lukewarm toned milk can take about half an hour before sleeping.
  • If possible, do 10 minutes of meditation before sleeping. After lying on the bed, play some good sleep meditation music and concentrate on music except stress throughout the day. Slowly concentrate on your breath. You will be sleepy in a while. It gives deep and good sleep.
  • Do not play TVs, laptops in the sleeping room, nor use a mobile. By doing so the mind is not ready to sleep.
