YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MEMORY- if you do not follow these simple tips

       DEMENTIA- Do you started forgetting

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Memories, are remembered... but the problem happens when I do not even remember the usual things. This problem can happen to anyone. Whether it is a board exam student or an employee working under pressure. Even a few hours or a few minutes before a talk, we have begun to forget the things. What is the symptom of this problem and what are the paths to recover from this?



The reality is that the problem of forgetting nowadays is becoming a part of people's life. Most people do not even know whether they have any problems related to memory or ignore it. Many times there is a problem of forgetting on aging, but most of the reasons for this problem are our own donations. Such as multiple tasking, mis-catering, incomplete sleep, addiction consumption, etc.

Symptoms of Dementia

  • Often forget to switch off gas/stove/tap/press.
  • Forget things again and again.
  • Often forgetting important work.
  • Forgetting too important dates.
  • Difficult to remember names and numbers.
  • Forgetting car in the parking.

Foods That Improve Memory

Dry Fruits

healthohuman, dry fruits, almond, pista, cashew, raisins

  • Ayurveda has also shown the benefit of almonds, walnuts.


healthohuman, fruits, vegetables, avocado, broccoli, spinach, dark spinach

  • Avocado, fruit, broccoli, spinach, dark chocolate, and other green leafy vegetables keep memory good.

Salmon Fish

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  • The amount of omega 3 fatty acids is high in this. It's great for a healthy brain. The vegetarians can eat flax seed to get omega 3.

What Causes Memory Loss and Forgetfulness

Know the causes so that you can avoid the disease of dementia.


healthohuman, multitasking, dementia, depression

  • When a person starts doing a lot of work together, its working style is called 'multiple tasking'. 
  • Like mailing at the same time, listening to the phone, preparing to attend a meeting, etc. 
  • In today's era, people are constantly complying with the increasing burden of work, increasing competition, multiple tasking. 
  • Some people also suffer such situations with yoga, meditation, excellent lifestyle, but most of them are stuck in it and are becoming victims of short-term memory loss.

Bad Food Habits

healthohuman, fries, fast food, food not good for health

  • Many research has proved that the lack of nutritious food in the food affects the brain's ability and people start forgetting things, or they miss late things. 
  • Junk food, more fried food, creates an obstruction in blood vessels in the brain so that the brain does not get oxygen according to the need. In such a situation, he goes into confusion. He can not take the decision and forgets things very quickly.
  • The fact is that 60% of the brain is made of fat. In such a way, the brain needs fat to work properly, but due to bad eating, it reaches the wrong fat.
  • This makes the person sick. 
  • This is the reason that most of the Dietitians take 10-15 grams (about 1 tablespoon) of pure homemade ghee in a day and also advise others.
  • There shouldn't be a shortage of water in the body.
  • Actually, 60% of the human body is made of water. 
  • In such a situation, its deficiency creates all kinds of problems. 
  • In the winter, between one and a half to two liters and 2 to 3 liters of water in summer is considered to be better.

Vitamin Deficiency

healthohuman, eggs, brown egg, vitamin, vitamin b1, food good for health, protein rich food

  • B1 and B12 are needed to work correctly and stay active. 
  • Although the brain needs a very small amount to work, it is very important for the brain. 
  • Many times these vitamins are lacking in the body and the person starts forgetting. 
  • These vitamins are found in milk, curd, egg, fish, chicken, etc.

Lack of Sleep

healthohuman, lack of sleep, women trying to sleep, sleep 6-8 hours, lady sleeping

  • The proverb is that the one who sleeps is the one who loses, but it is necessary to keep the mind healthy. 
  • There is only one solution for all the things, such as lowering stress, keeping healthy, is proper sleep. 
  • The truth is that sleep is a process, it gives complete rest to the brain. 
  • During this time there is a discharge of many chemicals from the brain which relaxes the brain's tissue. 
  • This makes the mind ready for the next day. Due to lack of sleep, the brain is not able to relax.


healthohuman, depression, alone, alone lady, alone lady in crowd

  • Depression is also a major cause of dementia.
  • Even after doing more work, not getting success in it, staying away from oneself due to work, talking less, and not having a friend to share the personal talks, these are some important reasons why young people are being a victim of depression. 
  • In the elderly, there is a problem of forgetting, even by loneliness.

Cigarette, Alcohol

healthohuman, cigarette, alcohol, old man, old man smoking, smoking, old face, face with skull

  • Drinking cigarettes reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the brain, the person starts forgetting things. 
  • Similarly, due to the excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, some chemical changes occur in the brain; their direct impact falls on our ability to remember.


healthohuman, tumor, cancer, what is tumor, what is cancer

  • If a person is a victim of a brain tumor or hypothyroid disease, then there can be a disease of forgetting, but as soon as the right treatment treats the brain tumor or hypothyroid disease, the dementia problem also ends.

Increasing Age and Alzheimer

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  • The people who have complained of sugar and BP have a higher risk of developing dementia when they age.
  • In dementia, brain cells start to weaken and the patient becomes a victim of Alzheimer Disease.
  • This is also a kind of dementia. In this, the patient's orientation with memory loss is also messed up, for example, he forgets where the bathroom is, where is the shop in the market, etc.

Brain Injury

healthohuman, brain injury, human brain, digital brain
If for some reason the brain is injured, the ability to remember decreases. The reason for this is that the part of the brain that keeps our old and new memories is destroyed due to injury.

How to Prevent Dementia Naturally

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  • Do one thing at a time, finish the first one, then start the second work.
  • Keep the brain stable in the same place during work.
  • If you are sitting in the office constantly take a stroll, stretch out. 
  • Take a long-breathing breath.
  • If there is a compulsion to do multiple works, then write a pointer while doing work and if forgetting something, look at that paper or diary.
  • Do the exercises for 5 days a week. Whether it is yoga, aerobics or any other exercise.
  • Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
  • Stay away from TV, mobile, computer sometime before sleeping.

When the Dementia Starts to Occur

healthohuman, old man, dementia, depression, old man depressed

  • Have to go somewhere, have a meeting with someone, put an alarm in the clock or phone.
  • If you keep stuff and forget the place, then make sure to keep at the same place every time.
  • Always keep a portable calendar for you to remember special dates.
  • If you have to do a lot of work in 1 day, then write every work sequentially on the diary and tick them as soon as the work is done. You can also make it on your phone or laptop.
  • Instead of remembering the long numbers at once, remember them in pieces. Remember, instead of remembering 9192771417 at one time, break into pieces like 9192-771-417.
  • Your brain's workout with the body is also very important. Solve puzzles, play sudoku, play chess, for your brain. You should try this to work with your brain, play real games instead of virtual games.
  • Try to change your hobby in a year or two. Learn a new language. The brain tries to learn it by adopting a hobby.
